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Issue #1 Proposed City Ordnance
Issue #2 Road Work Needed
Municipal General Election Notice
When a firearms store in a neighboring community was broken into for the 3rd time and had their inventory stolen I suggested that any such facilities should store firearms only in locked safes.
Canton PD Chief Mark Mitchell advised that while there were no 'gun stores' located within the city of Canton, there were several pawn shops that sold a limited number of guns.
The idea of legislation to compel all firearms to be secured in safes when the business was not open was taken up to the City Council and it seems to have just disapeared. I never heard about the matter again.
Now elections are coming up on Nov. 7th and it might be a good time to review the matter again. It is only a matter of time before a store dealing with firearms decides to open within the city limits and the regulation should already be in place to regulate their firearm storage and of course it would also apply to those pawn stores already selling firearms.
The below 13 pages have considerable duplication, but they show what information has already been provided to the City of Canton.
Perhaps now someone will take an interest and get the storage requirements put into effect.